Hamilton Mesa in the Pecos Wilderness

Exploration, Outdoors / Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015

Last updated on August 25th, 2018

Somewhere in northern New Mexico, filled with aspen trees, wildflowers and the perfect mixture of meadow and forestland, Hamilton Mesa trail head is absolutely spectacular.

Just outside of Santa Fe, and in the Pecos wilderness area, it was the perfect opportunity to beat the heat down in Albuquerque, and get some great exercise in.

The hike lasted just long enough to spare us the worst of the afternoon monsoon rain, and gave us cloudy, dramatic skies to walk under (and photograph too)!

Alongside the gravel road to the parking area at Hamilton Mesa
Alongside the gravel road to the parking area at Hamilton Mesa


One of the best things about this hike, is that mushrooms were literally afoot and carpeted much of the forest floor. I have an interest in mycology (although truthfully, I don’t know all that much about it), and being able to hunt around for mushrooms was the highlight of the trip.


Hike Specs:

  • Altitude = ~10,800 ft above sea level
  • Elevation gain = 750 ft
  • Distance = 6.2 miles

After the hike, we all went to Harry’s Roadhouse for simple, yet delicious fare. I had a cup of gumbo (so hungry I didn’t even get a photo of it) and a grilled cheese sandwich + avocado + tomato.  A classic margarita (or two) may or may not have been involved as well.




Good hike, good company, good food.

What more could one ask for?

Oh, and the required “selfie”. I try to take one in the middle of every hike. Hence the “crazy face”.

File Jul 21, 9 40 19 PM