Pile of Rocks

Exploration, Outdoors, Phone Snaps, Travel

Last updated on December 10th, 2020I have a good buddy – Danna –  who lives up in the Pacific Northwest. She and I have been friends for roughly 16 years or so. Her area of the country is what I would consider to be the “enchanted emerald coast” and she knows I live in “The […]

September 17, 2020

Ode to my first vacation in 12 years

Exploration, Outdoors, Travel

Last updated on September 22nd, 2019Sure, I’ve had time off from work. Of course, nowadays companies (notably, the ones I’ve worked for) conflate “sick time” with “paid time off” without any benefits known as “vacation time”, which means I’ve easily been able to burn through all of my available time off in various ways. One […]

August 1, 2019

The Taos Pueblo

Exploration, Phone Snaps

New Mexico is a very old place, relative to the rest of the United States. Santa Fe, the state capitol, is the second oldest city in the United States by only 20 years (oldest is Saint Augustine, Fla.).

July 14, 2018

The Very Large Array

Exploration, Travel

Last updated on September 28th, 2018“Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist, but that’s just peanuts to space.” – Douglas Adams Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy It’s so big in fact, […]

October 28, 2015

La Lena Wilderness Study Area Hike

Exploration, Outdoors

Last updated on September 17th, 2019This hike was a fairly daunting open-desert hike, even for fall. Despite that, the panoramic views, looking across Chico Arroyo, Lagunita Canyon in Emperado Wilderness Study Area, and Ignacio Chavez Wilderness Study Area. Throughout the hike, we came across shards of petrified wood that had hardened into stone, majestic rock […]

October 21, 2015

The Albuquerque Railyards


The Albuquerque Railyards – as it’s known to locals, or the Santa Fe Railway Shops, as it is known historically, is one of those places I had always wanted to see, but never had the chance to visit.

July 29, 2015